There are three certified pathologists in the Department of Pathology, including one senior pathologist at chief physician level, one senior pathologist at associate chief physician, three junior pathologists at assistant professor level, four pathology residents, and six certified histologic technicians. One of the staffs has doctor’s degree of medical sciences, three master’s degree, and five bachelor’s degree.
The clinical diagnostic services include surgical pathology, cytopathology, immunohistochemistry, molecular biology, and cytogenetics. Besides, the department set up sub-speciality for GI pathology (especially to early cancer of GI) and transplantation pathology in 2018.
Immunohistochemical stains are automatically performed on staining machines of Ventana. About 150 immune markers are given at current time, including MMR proteins studies for colorectal cancers. Molecular cytogenetic studies are provided, including FISH for HER-2 amplification for patients with breast cancer and gastric cancer. ROS1 gene mutation test for lung cancer, and ALK mutant study (D5F3, VETENA IHC staining) for lung cancer are recently qualified for diagnostic services. Our diagnostic services include almost 2,0000 surgical specimens and small biopsies, About 1000 non-GYN cytology specimens, 10,000 GYN cytology specimens, and about 200 external consultations. Basic special stains are provided in pathology including HE, PAS and PASM for fungi, elastic stain, and AFB for mycobacteria.
Advanced equipment and facilities are provided for the diagnostic services and resident training in the Department of Pathology. They include 12 Olympus microscopies, one multi-head teaching microscope, two Ventana automatic stain machines, ThinPap machine for GYN cytology. In situ hybridizer, tissue microarray, and fluorescence microscope.
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